School coach


School coach project

This project brings the services of the coach to the educational center so that the center freely and consensually chooses a number of days per week or a name of days per month. On these mutually agreed days, the coach will perform the relevant functions, sessions, training, etc. previously agreed upon with the educational center.
The coach acts as a freelancer. The term freelancer is defined as a professional who works independently with companies but works on his own account, that is, it is not necessary to include the professional in the workforce.
The coach is at your entire disposal during the whole process and during the established hours, which can be flexible and adapted to the needs of the educational institution.
Throughout this project, the coach makes available to the center different tools, resources and methodologies to resolve the different situations that they want to improve or enhance.

What does the coach offer?

In front of any circumstance to be resolved or need to be covered, the coach will always put on the table all the tools and resources available to him so that it is always the educational center that determines the action plan to take.
The Coach offers:
- Processes of individual coaching (Teacher, PAS, students).
- Sessions of team coaching (directive, cycles, stage, departments, for all center teams).
- Sessions of group coaching for teens.
- Gaming sessions.
- Group dynamics for the class.
- Teacher training with tools applied coaching in education.
- Workshops and conferences for fathers and mothers.
- Accompaniment and follow-up of interviews and tutorials.
- Processes of conflict resolution.
- Monitoring and evaluation of the school evolution.

How does the school help?

The figure of the coach at school makes all the resources available to the center available to enhance the professional function and increase the well-being of members of the educational community. With the application of these new methodologies and these new working methods, educators will be able to enhance and maximize their educational role and find new ways of doing it.
Coaching applied to professionals increases work performance and the work environment, and also generates a reduction in the name of work leave due to anxiety and depression.
Group coaching with adolescents helps to focus and see their professional future, to find and develop an intrinsic motivation, control emotions and thus be able to self-manage, in addition to helping them see how to manage and resolve conflicts.
Within the framework of pedagogical innovation, using and incorporating the discipline of coaching with its own figure places the school at the top of this business strategy that has already reached the educational environment.
Educational institutions that are committed to global coaching are an increasing value, this represents a great advance and will soon become a differentiating and empowering element of the center.

What makes it necessary?

The general change has made necessary the reformulation of the styles of teaching and learning where it has forced to rethink a new educational figure that sees the need to update knowledge, to rethink styles and ways of doing, ways of seeking pedagogical innovation, seeking those elements that respond to the educational needs of today's society. Coaching schools is a tool to achieve these objectives.
Learning mathematics, languages, sciences is essential, but to achieve success in life, you need internal knowledge of yourself, discovering the resources that each one has, their own talents and how to enhance them, developing flexibility and creativity, communication skills , self-knowledge and self-management.
Educational centers have to adapt to the current social context and advance along the same lines.
Today's global change in the members of the educational community directly affects children's academic success. Also in coaching, she works on self-confidence, self-esteem, emotional education, decision-making, conflict management in classrooms, bullying, and it is helpful to develop teamwork skills. assertive communication, in adapting changes, speaking in public and creating new projects.
In the teaching part, coaching skills help to develop all your professional growth and create a positive impact for the reduction of stress levels that may appear.
"Every euro invested in coaching programs represents a return on investment of 70%" Eva-López Acevedo, executive director of the EEC.
School Coach project information file

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